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Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin
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Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin 5
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin 2
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin 3
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin 4
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin 5
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin 2
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin 3
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin 4
Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin 5

Punky Pins

Caticorn Emaille-Pin

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Fijn jurkje!

Ik heb meerdere jurkjes van King Louie. Ze zijn vrijwel altijd goed. Deze zit ook weer als gegoten. ... Lies weiter
 |  31 Mär 2018
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Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin
Caticorn Emaille-Pin
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Punky Pins

Caticorn Emaille-Pin


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Punky Pins - Caticorn Emaille-Pin
Punky Pins

Caticorn Emaille-Pin


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'Every life should have 9 cats!' ... and this 60s Caticorn Enamel Pin is one of them ;-)

The designers from Punky Pins seem to know exactly what we love... cats ánd unicorns of course! Time to 'pin-p' up your favourite blouse, dress or coat with this quirky and unique pin! Made from a black coated metal with an enameled white cat, uhm... unicorn, no wait... caticorn it is! Feel free to be who, or what you want to be, whether it's a unicorn or a cat. It doesn't matter, just make sure you show your unique personality while wearing this pin ;-) 

  • Small sized pin
  • Black metal
  • Pin clasp
Artikelnr. 23351

  • Länge: 3 cm
  • Breite: 2 cm

  • Emaillle
  • Lackiertes Metall

  • Kontakt mit Wasser/Parfüm/Reinigungsmittel vermeiden
  • Hergestellt in England

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